Jerry's Sports Center is your go to source for paintball related information.
We strive to provide the most in-depth reviews and guides on paintball guns, holsters, paintball postols, tactical gear, and places to play paintball!
Here... you are geting real reviews and expert guides from fellow paintball enthusiasts.
The Idea
Since 1998, Jerry's Sports Center has been in operation. Starting out in Forest City, PA Jerry's quickly grew to 5 warehouse operations spanning 5 states. The goal was to provide the absolute best in class wholesale sporting goods, and create extremely happy customers.

This tradition for excellent customer service, and passion for sporting goods continued over the years.
Most recently, Jerry's has gone under a transformation, re-emergTroduct information reviews and detailed buyers guides.
The Mission
With this new transformation at Jerry's Sporting Goods... we have held on tightly to our core values and belief systems.
That if we do everything we can to ensure customer happiness, that our business will continue to grow. It is this drive and desire to delight that keeps us going. Certainly, this is evident in the detailed reviews and guides we have put together.
There is no greater time than today, to get outside and have some safe fun with your friends... or complete strangers that share the passion of paintball!
The Founder
My name is Jerry and I was born in Dallas, TX. My love for the outdoors started at an early age, with camping trips and nature hikes with my family.
I was around 12 the first time I shot a paintball. HOLY COW that was eye opening... oh yeah, I couldn't believe how much the sting of getting hit was. I remember to this day the adrenaline rush after getting plucked off by some guy probably 20 years older than me.
The best part of the day was that I was small enough to hide well behind the different obstacles, making me a hard target to hit. Plus I was quick on my feet, moving from cover to cover wasn't a problem for me. By the time I had a bead drawn on me, I was already in cover again.
Guess what... I made it my point to make sure I bathed that older guy with my paint. It worked! We remained friends ever since then, and he really shared a lot about this wonderful sport with me over the years.
Unfortunately he has passed... I still keep his spirit alive every time I am able to get out and swap paint. It is still one of my favorite things to do!
Please join in and share your experience with the different gear reviews on the site. Drop a comment, I would love to hear from you!
Contact me
If you want to contact me, for any specific questions, feel free to do so. I am quite busy, it takes a lot to run a site like this! Still... I do my best to stay in touch, as that is part of our core value system.
Head on over to the Contact page to reach out.
Thanks for stopping by, and see you on the paintball field! (you better keep your head on a swivel lol)